Thursday, April 20, 2006
Mike Seeger

Easter Weekend we visited Ab's mom Manon in Knoxville. Earlier in the week I was checking out Knoxville's Metro Pulse. They had an article about University of Tennessee's McClung Museum that was hosting a banjo exhibit, and that they were bringing in Mike Seeger for a performance. In addition to that, Mike Seeger was going to be on Knoxville's WDVX radio station's Blue Plate Special the same day at noon.
Not having time to go to the museum or see Mister Seeger's concert we wanted to catch him at the Blue Plate Special (live performances take place on the small stage in front of the WDVX studios in downtown Knoxville). Mister Seeger played a couple different banjos, (one being over 135 years old) plus a jew's harp. It was a great live experience. He kicked out some good banjo.
Afterward we headed to Knoxville's open plaza, Market Square, for some pizza at the Tomato Head

Friday, April 07, 2006
Conversation heard on way to work today:
"Wasn't that the same boy in a blue parka I saw bent over a roadkill on the frontage road this morning? His face looked so grey. Now he's just a few miles down the road stumbling while chewing on something. Is that a bone?"
"Wasn't that the same boy in a blue parka I saw bent over a roadkill on the frontage road this morning? His face looked so grey. Now he's just a few miles down the road stumbling while chewing on something. Is that a bone?"
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Give Blood Give Blood Give Blood

This afternoon I went to the west branch of the Indiana Blood Center to donate blood. It is over in Eagles Highland Office Park on the west side of Indy, kind of hard to find. Kind of hard to find indeed. I was only the second donor they had all freakin' day. From 9am to 6pm two donors.
This was my 18th pint o' blood. Yes, I'm bragging. So what you going to do bout it? Jab me with little pins until I bleed great flowing quantities of rosy red corn syrup? Ha. I dare you. Or even better I dare you to donate in the next two weeks. Get out there and donate.

Dog Fudge, Taste so Good. Everyone wants some. Dog Fudge, I gotta get some. Dog Fudge, is it what I think it is? Yeah, Dog Fudge.
Fido Fudge
Good enuff to feed guests. Yes, but then, we all deserve a little "chocolate" (well, carob) sometimes. I have fed this to guests at a Luncheon. And at a shower. And to dogs. When I make it for my kids I add real lard, and double chocolate chips and maple syrup. And powedered sugar. And coconut. But dogs just have maple syrup on top.
- Debbie Easterbarry, Hebron, KY.
1 cup shortening
6 tablespoons molasses
NRG egg replacer equivalent to 8 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup carob powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
- Cream shortening and molasses.
- Gradually beat in the other ingredients till smooth.
- Pour into a greased 8x8" pan.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until done, but not hard.
Good enuff to feed guests. Yes, but then, we all deserve a little "chocolate" (well, carob) sometimes. I have fed this to guests at a Luncheon. And at a shower. And to dogs. When I make it for my kids I add real lard, and double chocolate chips and maple syrup. And powedered sugar. And coconut. But dogs just have maple syrup on top.
- Debbie Easterbarry, Hebron, KY.
1 cup shortening
6 tablespoons molasses
NRG egg replacer equivalent to 8 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup carob powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
- Cream shortening and molasses.
- Gradually beat in the other ingredients till smooth.
- Pour into a greased 8x8" pan.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until done, but not hard.
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Not an April Fool's Joke, but it could be.

Yes, it's an odd weekend in Indiana. For a fly-over and also a drive-through state, Indiana is getting a lot of attention this weekend.
Tonight Indiana will switch to daylight savings time, the first time in over 30 years. It is suppose to make it easier for people outside the state tell what time it is in the state. But starting tomorrow some of us will be on Eastern time and others on Central, with a couple counties threatening not to switch.
Many farmers are against changing time. This effort was mainly pushed forward by the business folk which also end up having the most trouble with the change. The main problem is that calender programs like Outlook and Lotus Notes record time in GMT. So every body in the state who uses those programs have to mess with the appointments next week. I get to be on call all tomorrow in case we have computer problems at the utility.
The other reason we are getting a lot of press is that today and tomorrow the NCAA Boy's Final Four is taking pace here. So we have like 80000 extra visitors in town for the big prance. Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow for the free John Cougar Melloncamp concert on the Circle.
Because of the time change bars in Indiana were going to lose an hour of prime drinking time. But because with the Final Four comes a lot of drinking, the Governor Mitch Daniel told the Excise Cops to NOT enforce the closing time.
God love ya, Mitch. Cause I don't.
(Well, actually he has done some smart things while in office for being a Republican.)