Saturday, April 01, 2006
Not an April Fool's Joke, but it could be.

Yes, it's an odd weekend in Indiana. For a fly-over and also a drive-through state, Indiana is getting a lot of attention this weekend.
Tonight Indiana will switch to daylight savings time, the first time in over 30 years. It is suppose to make it easier for people outside the state tell what time it is in the state. But starting tomorrow some of us will be on Eastern time and others on Central, with a couple counties threatening not to switch.
Many farmers are against changing time. This effort was mainly pushed forward by the business folk which also end up having the most trouble with the change. The main problem is that calender programs like Outlook and Lotus Notes record time in GMT. So every body in the state who uses those programs have to mess with the appointments next week. I get to be on call all tomorrow in case we have computer problems at the utility.
The other reason we are getting a lot of press is that today and tomorrow the NCAA Boy's Final Four is taking pace here. So we have like 80000 extra visitors in town for the big prance. Hopefully it won't rain tomorrow for the free John Cougar Melloncamp concert on the Circle.
Because of the time change bars in Indiana were going to lose an hour of prime drinking time. But because with the Final Four comes a lot of drinking, the Governor Mitch Daniel told the Excise Cops to NOT enforce the closing time.
God love ya, Mitch. Cause I don't.
(Well, actually he has done some smart things while in office for being a Republican.)

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