Thursday, April 20, 2006
Mike Seeger

Easter Weekend we visited Ab's mom Manon in Knoxville. Earlier in the week I was checking out Knoxville's Metro Pulse. They had an article about University of Tennessee's McClung Museum that was hosting a banjo exhibit, and that they were bringing in Mike Seeger for a performance. In addition to that, Mike Seeger was going to be on Knoxville's WDVX radio station's Blue Plate Special the same day at noon.
Not having time to go to the museum or see Mister Seeger's concert we wanted to catch him at the Blue Plate Special (live performances take place on the small stage in front of the WDVX studios in downtown Knoxville). Mister Seeger played a couple different banjos, (one being over 135 years old) plus a jew's harp. It was a great live experience. He kicked out some good banjo.
Afterward we headed to Knoxville's open plaza, Market Square, for some pizza at the Tomato Head

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