
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Ab is at work, training.

I am Just sitting here studying, listening to Michael Shelley, on WFMU.
I believe the show is self described as "Freeform favorites with less boring chatter and more number one hits! Country classics, scratchy soul, groovy jazz, Jamaican jukebox, gospel goodies, and assorted rocktastic/popstastic hits! It's just plain good!"

Good Saturday Morning music. It replaced the local favorite Greasy Kid Stuff, a sort of Sat. Morn Cartoon Show on the radio.
Sad. But Shelley's show is fun.

I promise to add a link section to night to my favorite online radio shows.
I tend to favor shows with live deejays.


The election is over. Wooo. Finally. And such good results. Tuesday Americans voted out just a whole bunch of duds.


Veteran's Day is here. What have you done? I put up the flag. Woowoo. But maybe I should donate some to a veteran's organization (and not just old clothes and broken hardware). Here is to my late Grandpa Boyles, a Seabee. Here is to a coworker's son who is in Iraq today. And here is to the high school girl who will sign up to defend our country tomorrow.

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