
Monday, February 23, 2004

Since everyone is blogging about politics I think it's time to talk about something very dear to my heart- music! Of course I'm not going get political, not today anyway. We've been listening to Meadowlands by the Wrens- over and over and over. Thanks Bryan S for suggesting this! We put on "Ex-Girlfriend Collection" and swoon. That song sounds like Tobin Sprout and Bob Pollard re-united and wrote a masterpiece channeled through the spirit of an old Hollies song with lyrics that were written by a Maxim editor. Blase with too many women in his life, the singer wryly observes his chastising girlfriends. You know he doesn't want it any other way. The song turns out so beautiful, and Jeep and I have to listen to it intently and then hit play again. Other songs on the album are wonderful too.

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