
Monday, September 08, 2003

What a fantastic weekend. Friday we ate at Mama Carolla's Italian Restuarant with Jo & Todd, and the food was splendid. I had veal and mushrooms with gorganzola & pasta, and although I usually never eat veal it was worth lifting the ban just this once. Afterward we saw the Pernice Brothers play at the Patio for a mere $7. Such a bargain to see this great band- they are good straightforward pop music powered by Joe Pernice's lush, intense singing. We bought their new CD "Yours, Mine, Ours" and had the band autograph it. Jeep chatted for quite a while with Payton Pinkerton, the guitarist. Jo thrilled their keyboard player by giving him one of the infamous glowing Crestron pens.
Saturday I rode a tandem bike with Jeep around White River State Park. After a shakey start we synched up enough to enjoy it. Zipping along, blue skies above, cool breeze and the sun on my face...We also watched a large blue heron fishing in the river amid post-flood muck. Then that night we sat in a hot tub with good friends.
Sunday Jeep's parents joined us for the afternoon. We enjoyed White River Park again, and walked around the Indiana State Museum. I grilled some tenderloins and we surprised Karen with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday". Nice time.

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