
Friday, August 29, 2003

Abby made rabbit the other night. MMMM. The next day after having a meat free lunch at work (the beef looked spongey) I rode home and devoured the rabbit bing bang. It was flavored with Chorizo. When we went to see "Cremaster III" there was an opening scene with a giant eating meat off the bone. Reminded me of the rabbit.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Hideous claws of lobster boy! While I was on the porch enjoying Mars, that red devil, spawn of James Brown and a crawdad, snuck into the Pullan Ave. House and locked me out. Banging on the door brought no relief. I had to sleep in the Lumina.

Monday, August 25, 2003

And so- a quick recap of the Crouse Clambake- there was a new element to the evening this time- the hideous, the lurid, the exciting Lobster Boy!! He was in a little carnival cage and he danced and waved his bright red claws! He did look a bit like a spray-painted James Brown doll, but pay that no mind- it was Lobster Boy.
So we ate lobster and we drank Dickel. I think 50 people were there, at least, and Mulhauser Kurt showed up with his girlfriend Brigette. Paul did show up, eat, talk, and drive back in one night. There was a drawing for an awesome lobster boy clock, and a chef won. We went to bed around 1:30 to the sound of angry howling cats who objected to our presence. Somehow Jeep got locked outside, but that's another story, for him to tell!

Thursday, August 21, 2003

A sure sign that summer is on the wane:Crouses' Clam Bake. On some Saturday late in August Rob and Paige host a seafood blow-out featuring huge pots of mussels, clams, and lobsters boiling on the outdoor propane stove, and many of the guests have not seen each other since last year at that time. That is, if they failed to attend the Groundhog's Day celebration. Paul the former projectionist will make a quick appearance:he drives down from Cleveland to Cincinnati, then drives back after eating and some polite chat. Sometimes Mulhauser's brother shows up but usually not- he's hiking somewhere. Rob and Sara Mulhauser were married three years ago at the Clam Bake. Reggie from across the street will come by and bring something wonderful to eat, and her daughter will be by with Mr Wiggles, the chihuahua. Max Crouse, who will be two in December, will toddle about with Fez the bulldog, both looking for trouble that no one allows them to get into. Later in the early morning hours when the guests are gone Jeep and I will fall onto a futon to sleep, joined by Fez. The whole thing has such comforting consistancy.

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